Do you know Jesus Christ?” I asked as I stared into the lifeless eyes of the young woman who sat in front of me.

One of our team members had politely requested her to give us some time to share with her an important message about the Savior of the World.

“I have heard the name, but I don’t know Him.” She replied.

While we sat and shared about the One who gives life, I could see her eyes beginning to fill with understanding.

Still unsure, she asked, “Do I need to change my church if I become born again? I attend a Catholic Church nearby.”

As we continued explaining Salvation and the need to have a strong Biblical foundation with a church that believes and teaches the Bible, she knelt down and gave her life to Christ.

On Monday, I and our youth in Gulu began praying and fasting to ready ourselves for the Saturday to come. We had scheduled a day for evangelism within the village of Keyo with many of the youth under our ministry from Keyo, Pabbo and Pawel. My prayer throughout the week was that 1.) God would be glorified, 2.) that our youth (and I) would be completely emptied so that we could be filled and used by the Holy Spirit, and 3.) that God would change lives even before we arrived on Saturday (it is not my job to bring people to salvation, but only by the power of the Holy Spirit).

Altogether we had 69 youth who came to help share the gospel. Our young friend wasn’t the only one who gave her life that day. 48 other men and women decided to choose the Giver of Life on Saturday.

We continue to give all of the glory, honor and praise to the Father for using us as His empty Vessels. Our hearts are full and our love for the Creator of the universe has grown immensely.
Would you pray with me that God would continue emptying me of myself and that He would continue to fill me with Him. Less of me and More of Him. As a leader this is very important. I am finding that I must lead by example.

Please also pray for our youth in their growth and understanding of the gospel. Many have expressed prayer over their desire to grow in the knowledge and wisdom of the Word of God.

Would you prayerfully consider supporting our ministry in Uganda? Our efforts are blessed by your prayers and by your financial support. If you have questions, please contact me. You can find a link to my giving page and instructions below.

God bless you!

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2 thoughts on “November in Uganda: Empty Vessels

  1. I am so thankful to read how the Lord is blessing you there in Uganda. I am praying that He will continue to work through you. I am also praying for God’s wisdom and resources to help these new converts that they may grow in Christ.

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